Founder - Dr. Arlene Kaiser E.d.D

In the early 1980’s as a junior high school teacher I began my practice of wearing two different colored shoes at least twice a week. This was the result of a challenge from students to “walk my talk”. If I expected them to “take a risk,” in their learning then they wanted to see me “take a risk” in my living. My commitment to the students included that I would wear TDCS at least two times a week in different settings such as school, church, the mall, and always at my speaking engagements.

Later in the year I added other significant meanings besides “taking a risk,” they included:

  • to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual

  • to wear shoes of the same style and have the different colors to match my outfit to demonstrate good taste

  • to bring joy and laughter into our world

When I wear my two different colored shoes I meet the most interesting people. We usually have a brief chat. Sometimes I have time to explain the purpose and other times I pass on a bookmark with the explanation. This simple exchange usually puts a smile on their face.